Apr 16, 2018 | Convegni, News

CALL FOR ABSTRACT – Fish Passage 2018  – The 2018 International Conference on River Connectivity

The 2018 International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2018), incorporating the First International Symposium on Hydropower and Fish Management, will bring together Northern and Southern Hemisphere fish passage researchers and practitioners to exchange findings and experiences on fish passage issues.

The conference will be held from 10th – 14th December 2018 in Albury, Australia.

Fish Passage 2018 will be of interest to researchers, educators, practitioners, funders, and regulators who have an interest in advancements in technical fishways, nature-like fishways, stream restoration and stabilization, dam removal, environmental flows and fish responses, and the myriad of funding, climate change, and other socio-economic related issues surrounding connectivity projects.

There’s only two weeks to go until abstract submissions for the Fish Passage 2018 conference close.

If you would like to present an oral presentation or poster at the conference, please access the abstract submission page from the conference website at http://fishpassage.umass.edu/abstract-submissions.

Abstract submissions close on 30th April 2018, with confirmation on abstract acceptance being provided by 31st May.



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< 1 min