Mar 11, 2024 | News CIRF

26-30 agosto in Estonia: Convegno europeo sulla rinaturazione (SERE24)

Nell’ultima settimana di agosto (26-30 agosto 2024) si svolgerà il quattordicesimo Convegno europeo sulla rinaturazione (ecological restoration)SERE24 a Tartu, in Estonia.

SERE2024 è un convegno internazionale organizzato dal Capitolo europeo della Society for Ecological Restoration (SERE), che ha luogo in Europa ogni due anni e che offre l’opportunità di promuovere lo scambio reciproco di idee, conoscenze ed esperienze tra ricercatori, professionisti e rappresentanti politici di tutta Europa.

Il CIRF coordinerà la sessione “Restoration of river connectivity: planning, implementation, monitoring, and assessment”. C’è tempo fino al 15 maggio per iscriversi a tariffa ridotta (sia per partecipazione dal vivo che da remoto):

Di seguito riportiamo una breve descrizione della sessione.
Human activity has extensively impacted river corridors causing the degradation of many river ecosystems worldwide. Hydromorphological pressures, in particular, have severely conditioned the overall river health, inducing changes in ecosystem structure and functions. They are the primary cause of European rivers’ failure to reach good ecological conditions as defined by the Water Framework Directive. Recently, the concern over river connectivity has greatly increased, thus stimulating new policies oriented to river restoration and several tangible restoration efforts in many countries. “Free-flowing rivers” are under the spotlight and among the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Within this framework, it is essential to properly define effective and extensive ecological restoration projects, including the phases of prioritisation, post-intervention monitoring, and result assessment.
This session aims to gather a broad range of contributions that focus on the ecological restoration of rivers. Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to): approaches to support the design of river restoration measures; restoration of (longitudinal, lateral, vertical, and temporal) connectivity; floodplain restoration; mitigation of the impact of hydrological alteration on aquatic communities; hydromorphological monitoring of rivers; prediction of river evolutionary trajectories; assessment of restoration results; development of synergies between river restoration and flood-risk mitigation strategies.


Per ulteriori dettagli, visitate il sito web dedicato alla conferenza SERE24.


Tempo di lettura

2 min

Credits foto di copertina