Segnaliamo che dal 9 all’ 11 dicembre si terrà il 16° simposio annuale sulla riqualificazione fluviale, organizzato dall’Università della California, Berkeley. Quest’anno l’evento si svolgerà in live streaming sulla piattaforma Vimeo.
L’iscrizione è gratuita, ma obbligatoria per poter ricevere il link d’accesso. A questa pagina potrete compilare e inviare il modulo di richiesta.
Qui di seguito condividiamo il programma delle tre giornate:
9 December
22:00 Keynote Talk
Stream restoration: What works and what doesn’t work, by Doug Shieldsd
23:00 Graduate Student Research
Fire & water : geomorphic baseline in Mill Creek, by Molly Oshun, Morgan Cooney & Adrienne DoddThe San Marcos: a spring-fed river in the heart of the city, by Lilly ByrdCarbon sequestration benefits from a reconnected floodplain, by Britne CliftonBuffer zones for XiXi Wetland, Hangzhou, by Jingxi Chen & Karen Jin
00:10 (10 dicembre) Panel Discussion
10 December
22:00 Keynote Talk
Stream restoration and compensatory mitigation, by Martin Doyle
23:00 Graduate Student Research
Riparian habitat vs vegetation encroachment in the Salinas River, by MaFe GonzalesRestoring the headwaters: Cerrito Ck in Blake Garden, by Camille ThomaIndigenous frameworks for restoration: San Leandro Ck, by Janet LePlants in freshwater tidal wetlands, by Trista Hu
00:10 (11 dicembre) Panel Discussion
11 December
22:00 Keynote Talk
Restoring the Colorado River, by Jack Schmidt
23:00 Graduate Student Research
The urban gauntlet for steelhead trout, by Ali Parmer, Derek Morimoto, & Rebecca KaliffA restoration on the Yongding River, Beijing, by Yifan FengSocial connectivity of Houtan Wetland in Shanghai, by Peixuan Wu, Youtian Wang & Zhehang Li
00:10 (12 dicembre) Panel Discussion
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